What Sleep Position Is Best for Sleep Apnea?
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What Sleep Position Is Best for Sleep Apnea?
Do you get leg cramps while you sleep at night? Do you feel unrefreshed after getting up in the morning? Do you wake up in the middle of your sleep many times?
These are the signs of sleep apnea. Many people experience headaches in the morning. Some people complain about night sweats in the middle of their sleep. At times, you may not get sleep at night which is natural. When you do not get sleep for many nights, you wake up exhausted and groggy.
Health experts state that most people have sleep apnea. It is a health condition in which a person stops breathing momentarily at night. As a result, such people experience brain fog and daytime sleepiness. When you do not get quality sleep, you feel disturbed and confused. Sleep apnea can make you insomniac.
Owing to a lack of sleep, you feel sleepy in the morning. You spend hours sleeping in the morning. It is due to the struggle to breathe while you are asleep. It is essential to get sound sleep so that you feel better and fresh when you get up. Sleep apnea makes you tired. You feel drowsy in the middle of your work. People with sleep apnea cannot focus on their daily work.
There are various reasons behind sleep apnea. If you gain weight, obesity can be a cause of sleep apnea. The rates of obesity are increasing rapidly across the globe. With the increased obesity, there is a steep rise in sleep apnea patients.
Genetics can be another cause of sleep apnea. If this sleep disorder is there in your hereditary, you will suffer from this sleep disorder. It is noticed that certain sleep positions can affect your sleep. If your sleeping position is wrong, you may suffer from sleep apnea.
If you experience sleep apnea often, do not take the disease lightly. Get in touch with a doctor to get immediate treatment. Your medical provider prescribes you Zopisign 10. It is one of the best medications for treating sleep apnea.
If you are someone suffering from sleep apnea or know someone who does, you already know how painful and problematic the consequences of the disorder can be. One of the major factors that can control reduce or sometimes increase your apneas during your sleep is your sleeping position.
Depending on your position, the number of apneas you have during sleep can be kept in check even without CPAP therapy. Here’s a guide on the best sleeping positions and how they can affect your OSA.
How To Sleep On Your Side
Most adults prefer to sleep on their side, but if this is not your natural sleeping position, you can try different approaches to changing your sleep posture.
One way to stay on your side is to use pillows in one or more places on your bed that help keep from rolling onto your back. You can experiment with different sizes of pillows and where to align them.
Another method to help sleep on your side is to put a tennis ball inside a sock and sew the sock to the back of a shirt. If you roll onto your back, the ball may cause enough discomfort to cause you to change positions without waking you up.
In some cases, health care providers may recommend positioning devices that vibrate if you start to sleep on your back. However, research on the effectiveness of these devices is limited.
Sleep Positions For Sleep Apnea:
Sleeping on Your Side:
If you are sleeping on your back, you should try side sleeping. Many research studies prove that side sleeping reduces breathing obstructions. As you sleep on your side, the tissues of your throat and mouth move in a positive direction which clogs the airway. Another benefit of sleeping on your side is you do not snore. You will not have breathing difficulties when you sleep on your side.
You should never sleep on your back which can lead to sleep apnea. It is better to sleep either on your right or left side. Experts advise people to sleep on their left side. Sleeping on the left side comes with many health benefits.
Make a habit of sleeping on your side which can prevent sleep disturbances. As you make changes in your sleeping positions, you should have Zopisign 7.5. It will help you overcome the issues of sleep disorder.
Avoid Sleeping On Your Back:
Experts suggest not sleeping on your back if you are struggling with obstructive sleep apnea. This sleeping position can obstruct the flow of air in the throat. Moreover, your tongue falls back in the mouth when you sleep on your back. Back sleeping narrows the effect of snoring.
You can get excessive snoring on your back sleeping position. If you sleep on your back, elevate your head with pillows. You can raise the head of your bed to avoid sleep apnea. You can also use an adjustable recliner. Try to use wedge-shaped pillows which help you get the right position of sleep. Elevate the bed with the help of a bed riser. Stay away from sleep apnea with a bed riser.
Sleeping On Your Belly:
Try belly sleeping to reduce the pauses in breathing. Many adults prefer to sleep on their bellies. You may experience problems sleeping. Belly sleeping helps soft tissue forward. As a result, it reduces the obstructions in the airway. Do not cover your mouth and face with a pillow while you sleep on your belly. It can cause problems with sleep apnea. You should also keep in mind that belly sleeping causes strain on the neck.
Right Side Sleeping:
If you feel difficulty sleeping on your left side, go for the ridge side. Health experts advise sleep apnea patients to sleep on the right or left side. Both positions reduce the symptoms of sleep apnea. As you try your sleeping position, you should take pills from Pills4ever. Sleeping pills or medicines can keep sleeping disorders away.
Best Head Positions for Sleeping with Sleep Apnea
Irrespective of your sleeping position, the position of your head is also a factor that actively affects your sleep apnea.
Sleep apnea is worse when sleeping on your back (supine position) because of the effects of gravity on the body. The tongue falls back and blocks the airway increasing the duration and the number of apneas during sleep. One of the simplest ways to control this besides your body posture during sleep is to maintain your head positions during sleep.
When sleeping on your back, the best position for your head is on either side. Keeping your head turned to a side decreases the chances of your tongue falling back and keeps the airway clear.
Final Words
To get good quality sleep, you should aim for the right sleeping positions. Try to follow any of the aforementioned sleeping positions to get better sleep. Lessen the problem of sleep apnea with these sleep positions.